Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fourth of July Fun and Outside Water Day

It's hard to believe it is mid-July already! We have been following a bit of a relaxed routine lately and trying to have some outside fun this summer! In addition to our morning walking the grounds around the hospital and exploring Kids Creek, we spent a morning outside playing with water. Ms. Carrie and I gathered up buckets, containers, scoops, spray bottles, nets, paint brushes and many other water play items, including our classroom water table and headed to the paved area at the bottom of the stairs to play.

Following are some pictures of a Fourth of July craft as well as our morning water play.

Fourth of July headbands!

Painting the walls the water.

Painting with spray bottles is a great way to strengthen hand muscles used to write!

Cooperation at the water table.

Fishing for colorful bugs with a net.

We also worked on our large motor skills with hopscotch and the balance beam.

Just a reminder that we will be working on an environmental print book in the upcoming weeks. Please help your child find two or three photos of pictures and words that they are familiar with to contribute.  Below are some examples of environmental print that your child may be familiar with.


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