Recently, we began a new classroom care system. In previous years, a Friend of the Day was chosen every day who helped out with setting the table and our daily calendar and weather. The Friend of the Day was also our line leader and helped care for the fish, Rainbow. I have recently noticed how much the kids like helping out in the classroom and how hard it is for them to wait their turn to be Friend of the Day. In order to share and expand our classroom duties and instill more of a sense of ownership to the room, we are now using a Jobs Cart. Every day the children rotate jobs and so far we have been able to make sure everyone has a job every day. The kids feed the fish, water the plants, set the tables, wash the tables, help with the calendar and check the weather. They also check after clean up time to make sure everything is put away in the appropriate place, manage the lights and lead the line when we venture out. As an added bonus, I have notice that the children are becoming familiar with the spelling of not only their own names, but also those of their classmates.
A look at our Jobs Chart, which can be found in the calendar area.
Feeding the fish. I am hoping to expand this job to include helping clean the fish bowl!
Working together to set the tables before lunch.
Watering the plants.
As a side note, I thought I would include a list I recently made for a parent detailing the tasks children perform in our classroom. As a parent myself, I've come to understand that we often do not necessarily realize what our children can do because we are so used to doing for them! I thought this might help to show you what your child does independently when with us.
Children’s Responsibilities in the Desert
Meal Times
- Wash their hands before meals
- Use silverware at the table
- Clear and scrape their plates and bowls
- Help set the table
- Help wipe the tables after meals
- Learning to pour milk and water from small pitchers
- Serve themselves some portions of meals with spoons and tongs
- Kids can get their own cup and get a drink from the sink at any time during the day
During Free Choice Time
- Clean up by putting things in their proper place before moving to a new activity
- On free choice art days choose their own materials to work with and help clean up
- Help each other put on art smocks
- We encourage them to be independent but will “check” after they have attempted to wipe their bottoms
- Wash hands after using the bathroom
- Change clothes if necessary
Nap Time
- Spread blankets out on cots before laying down
- Get any items from cubby that they use at nap time
- Learning to fold blankets after rest
- Return items to cubby
Outdoor Play
- Put on own coats and snow clothes
- Zip if they can, if not we are working to teach them
- Put boots on
- After returning to the classroom, kids remove their own coats, snow clothes and boots
- Hang up all items
- Place wet mittens on the heater
- Put on shoes
- During warmer weather, the children take their shoes off on the playground to dump the sand out and then put their shoes back on
In general we are trying to teach the children to care for items in the classroom, treat materials gently and be as independent as possible! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have!
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